Cigar Felt Premium Smoking Jacket
2019-2020 | Antique Cigar Felts/Cigar Silk Ribbons, Hand Dyed Cotton
These felt flags were printed between the 1890s and the late 1910s. They were used as premiums for cigar companies, packed in cigar boxes and tins. The buyer of the tobacco could either return them as coupons for more tobacco, or give them to their wives to sew into quilts. When rationing of fabric began at the start of World War I, the cigar companies decided it would be easier (and cheaper) to switch to paper premiums. Because of the limited time they were made, certain countries such as Austria-Hungary and Persia do not exist anymore, and others such as Japan, America, Poland, and Scotland have simply changed their flags.
By collecting and quilting these flags I tried to take on the role of the sewer in the scenario. I cut and pieced together the flags, and their borders, to blend and confuse the lines of each flag. The silk ribbons were also used as they once held together bundles of cigars, representing on them the brands that were sold.